Brief descriptions¶
Structures |
Encapsulates raycasting query settings. |
Encapsulates ray hit information. |
Detailed information¶
struct RayCastQuery¶
Encapsulates raycasting query settings.
Public Members
uint32_t id = 0¶
math::vec3 origin¶
World coordinates of the ray start.
math::vec3 direction¶
Direction of the ray.
It is expected to be normalized.
TFloat maxDistance = eastl::numeric_limits<TFloat>::max()¶
Length of the ray. Anything beyond this length will not be reported as a hit.
eastl::vector<CollisionChannel> reactChannels¶
List of channels the ray should hit.
Empty list means the ray should hit any channel.
bool ignoreTriggers = false¶
Indicates whether the ray should ignore or hit triggers.
float debugDrawDuration = {0}¶
Duration for which the ray should be visualized.
Drawing rays only works in Debug mode.
uint32_t id = 0¶
struct RayCastResult¶
Public Members
uint32_t queryId = 0¶
Uid sceneObjectUid = NullUid¶
Scene object body is attached to.
scene::ObjectWeakRef<physics::RigidBodyComponent> rigidBody¶
Physical body that caused the hit.
nau::physics::IPhysicsMaterial::Ptr material¶
math::vec3 position¶
Coordinates of the hit.
uint32_t queryId = 0¶