Brief descriptions¶
Structures |
Provides an interface for component per-frame update. |
Provides an interface for component per-frame asynchronous update. |
Provides an interface for component activation & deactivation. |
Provides an interface for events that are triggered during the component lifecycle. |
Classes |
Detailed information¶
struct ComponentListNode : public eastl::intrusive_list_node¶
Subclassed by nau::scene::Component
struct IComponentUpdate¶
Provides an interface for component per-frame update.
See also: IComponentAsyncUpdate.
Subclassed by nau::NetSceneComponent, nau::NetSyncBaseComponent, nau::SkeletonSocketComponent, nau::animation::AnimationComponent, nau::animation::AnimationManager, nau::physics::RigidBodyComponent
Public Functions
virtual ~IComponentUpdate() = default¶
virtual void updateComponent(float dt) = 0¶
Updates the component.
The update loop waits for all IComponentUpdate::updateComponent and IComponentAsyncUpdate::updateComponentAsync calls completion, until it can proceed to the next frame. Consequently, all lasting operations are to be avoided within these calls. Instead, address to IComponentAsyncListener::listenComponent.
- Parameters:
[int] – dt Elapsed time.
virtual ~IComponentUpdate() = default¶
struct IComponentAsyncUpdate¶
Provides an interface for component per-frame asynchronous update.
See also: IComponentUpdate.
Public Functions
virtual ~IComponentAsyncUpdate() = default¶
virtual async::Task updateComponentAsync(float dt) = 0¶
Schedules the component update operation.
The update loop waits for all IComponentUpdate::updateComponent and IComponentAsyncUpdate::updateComponentAsync calls completion, until it can proceed to the next frame. Consequently, all lasting operations are to be avoided within these calls. Instead, address to IComponentAsyncListener::listenComponent.
- Parameters:
dt – [in] Elapsed time.
- Returns:
Task object that provides the operation status.
virtual ~IComponentAsyncUpdate() = default¶
struct IComponentActivation¶
Provides an interface for component activation & deactivation.
See also: IComponentAsyncActivation.
Subclassed by nau::animation::AnimationComponent, nau::ui::UiComponent
struct IComponentEvents¶
Provides an interface for events that are triggered during the component lifecycle.
Subclassed by nau::NetSceneComponent, nau::NetSyncBaseComponent, nau::animation::AnimationComponent, nau::animation::AnimationManager, nau::ui::UiComponent
Public Functions
virtual ~IComponentEvents() = default¶
inline virtual void onComponentCreated()¶
This function is called on component creation.
inline virtual void onComponentActivated()¶
This function is called on component activation.
inline virtual void onComponentDeactivated()¶
This function is called on component deactivation.
inline virtual void onComponentDestroyed()¶
This function is called on component destruction.
inline virtual void onAfterComponentRestored()¶
This function is called when a scene containing the component is created from an asset.
virtual ~IComponentEvents() = default¶
struct TransformListNode : public eastl::intrusive_list_node¶
Subclassed by nau::scene::SceneComponent
class Component : public nau::scene::NauObject, public DynamicObjectImpl, private nau::scene_internal::ComponentListNode¶
Subclassed by nau::NetSceneComponent, nau::NetSyncBaseComponent, nau::scene::EnvironmentComponent, nau::scene::SceneComponent
Public Functions
virtual void destroy() final¶
Detaches the component from the parent object and the scene and destroys it.
SceneObject &getParentObject() const¶
Retrieves the object which this component is attached to.
It is assumed that a component always has an owner object.
bool isOperable() const¶
Checks whether the component is operable.
A component is alive when it is attached to the scene hierarchy. However, it is possible that after deleting a component, when the component is still active, the system is waiting for the completion of asynchronous operations associated with this component, meanwhile any interaction between the component and scene is impossible since it has been deleted. For such cases, it is necessary to check the state of the component via this method.
ActivationState getActivationState() const¶
Protected Functions
template<typename Callable, typename ...Args>
void runAsync(Callable callable, Args&&... args)¶ Schedules a callable for an asynchronous call.
- Template Parameters:
Callable – Callable type.
Args – Parameter pack for the callable.
- Parameters:
callable – [in] Functor object or a pointer to the function to schedule.
args – [in] Arguments for callable call.
template<typename T>
void trackAsyncOperation(async::Task<T> &&task)¶ Pushes the (active) task into the list of asynchronous operations of the component.
The component are not actually deleted until all tracked operations have been completed.
- Template Parameters:
T – Task return value type.
- Parameters:
task – [in] Task to schedule.
virtual void onBeforeDeleteObject() override¶
Protected Attributes
SceneObject *m_parentObject = nullptr¶
ActivationState m_activationState = ActivationState::Inactive¶
async::TaskCollection m_asyncTasks¶
Private Functions
void addRef() final¶
void releaseRef() final¶
nau::IWeakRef *getWeakRef() final¶
uint32_t getRefsCount() const final¶
void changeActivationState(ActivationState newState)¶
async::Task finalizeAsyncOperations()¶
Flushes all async tasks associated with the object.
- Returns:
Task object, which can provide finalization status.
void onThisValueChanged(std::string_view key) final¶
- friend class SceneManagerImpl
class SceneComponent : public nau::scene::Component, public virtual nau::scene::TransformControl, private nau::scene_internal::TransformListNode¶
Subclassed by nau::SkeletonComponent, nau::SkeletonSocketComponent, nau::SkinnedMeshComponent, nau::animation::AnimationComponent, nau::animation::AnimationManager, nau::physics::RigidBodyComponent, nau::scene::BillboardComponent, nau::scene::CameraComponent, nau::scene::DirectionalLightComponent, nau::scene::OmnilightComponent, nau::scene::SpotlightComponent, nau::scene::StaticMeshComponent, nau::ui::UiComponent
Public Functions
SceneComponent() = default¶
SceneComponent(const SceneComponent&) = delete¶
SceneComponent &operator=(const SceneComponent&) = delete¶
virtual const math::Transform &getWorldTransform() const final¶
Retrieves object world transformation.
- Returns:
Object transformation in world coordinates.
virtual void setWorldTransform(const math::Transform &transform) final¶
Sets object transform in world coordinates.
- Parameters:
transform – [in] Transform to assign.
virtual const math::Transform &getTransform() const final¶
Retrieves object local transformation.
- Returns:
Object transformation with respect to its parent.
virtual void setTransform(const math::Transform &transform) final¶
Sets object transform relative to its parent.
- Parameters:
transform – [in] Transform to assign.
virtual void setRotation(math::quat rotation) final¶
Setting the rotation quaternion of the component relative to its parent.
virtual void setTranslation(math::vec3 position) final¶
Setting the position of the component relative to its parent.
virtual void setScale(math::vec3 scale) final¶
Setting the scale of the component relative to its parent.
virtual math::quat getRotation() const final¶
Retrieves object local rotation.
- Returns:
Object rotation with respect to its parent.
virtual math::vec3 getTranslation() const final¶
Retrieves object local translation.
- Returns:
Object translation with respect to its parent.
virtual math::vec3 getScale() const final¶
Retrieves object local scale.
- Returns:
Object scale with respect to its parent.
Protected Functions
virtual void notifyTransformChanged()¶
virtual void notifyTransformChanged(const math::Transform &worldTransformCache)¶
Protected Attributes
math::Transform m_transform¶
mutable eastl::optional<math::Transform> m_worldTransformCache¶
Private Functions
- Scene Scene Component (description)")) ( 1(m_transform
void appendTransformChild(SceneComponent &child)¶
void removeTransformChild(SceneComponent &child)¶
Private Members
- SystemComponentAttrib
- true
- ComponentDisplayNameAttrib
Scene Component¶
Scene ComponentDescriptionAttrib¶
SceneComponent *m_transformParent = nullptr¶
eastl::intrusive_list<scene_internal::TransformListNode> m_transformChildren¶
- friend class SceneObject
SceneComponent() = default¶