Brief descriptions¶
Classes |
Implements nau::physics::IPhysicsBody interface utilizing Jolt physics engine. |
Detailed information¶
class JoltPhysicsBody : public nau::physics::IPhysicsBody¶
Implements nau::physics::IPhysicsBody interface utilizing Jolt physics engine.
Public Functions
JoltPhysicsBody(Ptr<JoltPhysicsWorld> physWorld, Uid originObjectUid, const PhysicsBodyCreationData &creationData)¶
virtual void getTransform(math::mat4 &transform) const override¶
Retrieves the transformation matrix of the body.
- Parameters:
Output – [out] transformation matrix.
virtual void setTransform(const nau::math::Transform &transform) override¶
Sets the body transform to the specified value.
- Parameters:
transform – [in] Value to assign.
virtual void setCollisionChannel(CollisionChannel channel) override¶
Attaches a collision channel to the body.
- Parameters:
channel – [in] Index of the collision channel to attach the body to.
virtual void setDebugDrawEnabled(bool enabled) override¶
Switches physics debug drawing for the body on or off.
- Parameters:
enabled – [in] Indicates whether physics debug drawing should be turned on or off.
virtual void setCenterMassShift(const nau::math::vec3 &shift) override¶
Sets the body shift of center of the mass.
- Parameters:
shift – [in] vector.
virtual bool isTrigger() const override¶
Checks whether the body is used a trigger.
- Returns:
if the body is trigger,false
otherwise (i.e. the body is a collidable object).
virtual void addForce(const nau::math::vec3 &force) override¶
Applies the force to the center of mass of the physics body.
- Parameters:
force – [in] Force to apply.
virtual void addForce(const nau::math::vec3 &force, const nau::math::vec3 &applyPoint) override¶
Applies the force to the physics body.
- Parameters:
force – [in] Force to apply.
applyPoint – [in] Point to apply the force at.
virtual void addTorque(const nau::math::vec3 &torque) override¶
Applies the torque to the physics body.
- Parameters:
torque – [in] Torque to apply.
virtual void addImpulse(const nau::math::vec3 &impulse) override¶
Applies the force to the center of mass of the physics body.
- Parameters:
impulse – [in] Impulse to apply.
virtual void addImpulse(const nau::math::vec3 &impulse, const nau::math::vec3 &applyPoint) override¶
Applies the impulse to the physics body.
- Parameters:
force – [in] Impulse to apply.
applyPoint – [in] Point to apply the impulse at.
bool debugDrawEnabled() const¶
Checks whether debug drawing is enabled for the body.
- Returns:
if debug drawing is enabled for the body,false
Uid getSceneObjectUid() const¶
Private Functions
void initializeJoltBody(const PhysicsBodyCreationData &creationData)¶
Creates the body and adds it to the physical world.
- Parameters:
creationData – [in] Physical properties of the body.
Private Members
eastl::shared_ptr<JoltCollisionShape> m_collisionShape¶
Ptr<JoltPhysicsWorld> m_physWorld¶
Uid m_sceneObjectUid¶
JPH::BodyID m_bodyId¶
bool m_debugDrawEnabled = false¶
< A handle to the body within the physical world.
bool m_isTrigger = false¶
< Indicates whether debug drawing is enabled for the body.
JoltPhysicsBody(Ptr<JoltPhysicsWorld> physWorld, Uid originObjectUid, const PhysicsBodyCreationData &creationData)¶